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the eighth graders on February 25. • School board members were presented with a certificate as this is South Dakota School Board Recognition Week. • Elementary Principal Dan Dalchow reported that the profit from the second grade candy cane sales amounted to $450. The funds were donated to OST for a computer, to a family that had a house fire, and for care packages to the military group that Ava Wienk's father (Brent) is part of as he is being shipped overseas for active duty. • The school board election will be held April 8, 2014, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Terms up are Steve Smith and Joy Voss, both for three-year terms. The earliest date that petitions can be taken out is January 31 and must be turned in by February 28. • Lisa Kippley will be resigning at the end of the school year to return to the healthcare profession. • Reid Johnson talked about the annual band trip to Minneapolis. He said they will no longer be going to Minneapolis as there has been not enough interest. Johnson suggested having a three-day trip to Chicago every other year. Board member Steve Smith asked if the trip could be combined with the show choir trip to help reduce the number of trips and fundraisers. Johnson said he would like to see it be just a band trip, but would be open to a combined group trip. The board directed to draft a letter to send out the parents to outline options.