Saturday,  Jan. 11, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 179 • 3 of 34

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• First, an external auditor is reviewing every disbursement made under several economic development programs, including the Future Fund, reaching as far back as 2009. This review will verify that there was an approved application and supporting documentation for each disbursement, that each payment amount was correct, and that a check or electronic payment was made to the intended recipient. This review has taken longer than anticipated because of the need to obtain bank records to verify some older payments. Still, l anticipate this review will be completed early in the legislative session.
• The second review is being conducted by the Department of Legislative Audit, the independent auditor that reports to the State Legislature. Legislative Audit is performing a financial and compliance audit of the fund financial statements for all government funds in the economic development office, also reaching back to July 1, 2009. This will supplement the audits that Legislative Audit already performs of some economic development programs.
• Third, a separate, independent auditor is conducting an examination of internal control procedures. This review will look for weaknesses in policies and procedures,

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