(Continued from page 21)
fences or other property damage on fields or secondary roads. •
Dakotas in store for a winter warm-up
• BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- Out with the Arctic, in with the Pacific. • Just three days after the weather was so cold it prompted many schools in the Dakotas to call off classes, temperatures across the two states Thursday are expected to be in the teens, 20s, 30s, and even 40s. • National Weather Service meteorologist Janine Vining says the Arctic blast that blew through the region early this week is history, and warmer Pacific air is causing a warm-up. • High temps are expected to remain in the 20s, 30s and 40s through the weekend. That compares to the minus teens and 20s on Monday, and wind chills that day as low as the minus 50s. •
Corps: Missouri River will get more water in 2014
• OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- Slightly more water than normal is expected to flow into the Missouri River this spring, but the dams along the river should have room for it. • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says several of the reservoirs remain below normal because they are still recovering from the 2012 drought. • So the Corps' Jody Farhat says the reservoirs should be able to safely handle the 26.1 million acre feet of runoff expected this year. That forecast is slightly above normal runoff of 25.2 million acre feet. • The Corps adjusts the amount of water released from dams along the river in response to conditions. • Last year, releases along the water were limited because the Corps was conserving water as the region recovered from drought. That affected barge traffic on the river. •
SD high court upholds Briley Piper death penalty CHET BROKAW, Associated Press
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The South Dakota Supreme Court on Thursday upheld an Alaska man's death sentence in the 2000 torture and killing of a Spearfish man who begged for mercy, noting the defendant bragged about the slaying. • The high court also unanimously rejected Briley Piper's request to withdraw his guilty plea in the killing of 19-year-old Chester Allan Poage. Piper's appeal lawyer (Continued on page 23)