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find at the big box stores." She is planning to add some other products. Townsend is applying for a wine license so they can do wine in gift baskets. "That is something I will be expanding into, pending approval." Things will also be changing weekly and will have pop-up sales on their Facebook page. • They will also be introducing a shopping service for the husbands and significant others. She said they can fill out a form for birthdays, anniversaries, or other major events. "Then I'll send out a text just as a reminder and we can see what we can do to help you out." • Paula Kokalas has been promoted as the floral manager. Kokalas has 20 years of floral experience. She worked previously at the Boston Fern and Kessler's in Aberdeen and a a floral store in Pierre. Kokalas has been employed at Olde Bank Floral 'N More since Otter bought the business about four years ago. Other employees are Sarah and Nicole Lewandowski and Deb Jacobs. • Townsend has tweaked the store hours a bit to help balance her family life. The store is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kellie is married to Dean Townsend and they have a family farm in the Andover area. They have two children: Cassandra, who will be 13 years old next month and (Continued on page 4)