(Continued from page 2)
• Krueger Brothers were awarded the gravel bids at $16.94 per yard. The outbid Hanlon Brothers by six cents. • Two bids for a skid steer were reviewed. One was from J.Gross Equipment in the amount of $44,386.00 which included $18,000 for the trade-in of the city's Mustang. The other was from Butler Cat for $63,844.12 with no allowance listed for a trade-in. The Butler Cat bid was also for a different machine than what was test driven. The bids were tabled until some of the questions can be answered such as warranty, trade-in allowance, etc. • The council gave approval for a Mud Creek Water Flow Study to be done on city property. Helms and Associates will be doing the study being paid for by the James River Water District and the Mud Creek Water District. This study is being done on the south edge of Groton. • The second reading of the personnel manual was approved and the council was encouraged to attend Legislative Day February 4-5 in Pierre. • A question about when the ice skating rink should be open during the cold weather. Instead of listing a policy, the council agreed to let Justin Olson, skating rink manager, and Paul Kosel determine when the rink should be closed due to cold weather.