(Continued from page 7)
If you would like to provide snack, please bring snack for 40 kids as we have had an increase in attendance each day. You can provide snack at any time and I will make sure the students get a chance to enjoy it. Middle-High School Principal--Anna Schwan The first semester of school is nearly finished, and we look ahead to a nice long winter break. While I question whether mankind can survive an entire winter of these frigid temperatures, I'm no longer dreamin' of a white Christmas
it's definitely here. As usual, students in the middle school and high school are maintaining excellence in the classroom, and as the seniors begin the scholarship quest, these efforts look to be acknowledged. Our math and language arts teachers have begun implementing the Common Core standards which is evident as all of our classroom teachers strive to foster critical thinking and problem solving skills within the content areas. As a result of the new standards, the state standardized test will also change. This spring we will administer the Smarter Balanced Test which students will complete online. Also in progress is the new teacher evaluation system based on the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Effective Teaching. Groton Middle School is a pilot school this year for the state in implementing the new evaluation tool. The tool focuses on observable evidence in the classroom, staff development, professional conversation, and student growth. The teachers and I are participating in a series of trainings to aid in our understanding of the framework as well as the software program that accompanies the new method. Fall activities and athletics have ended, and winter programs are underway. I am constantly impressed with the caliber of our activities departments--the students' skills as well as their grace in participation and sportsmanship. Too many times we lose sight of what is important in our support of these extra activities, but I feel as though our kids have the right idea. We have a lot to be proud of; I hope you take the time to attend an event or two. We will return to school on January 6 with the start of the 3rd quarter and 2nd semester. We look ahead to a full schedule and an intense week of activities when school resumes. Thank you for your continued support of our students in all they do, and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me anytime. I have enjoyed my transition to this district, and have sincerely appreciated your kindness and support. My family and I feel so thankful to have become part of this school and this community. Best wishes for a calm holiday season and some well-deserved time with family. (Continued on page 9)