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kets that were put up last year.
• GRASP/OST (Before and After School Program) - Rose Long • Recent Activities: • During GRASP, students have been participating in a variety of activities that help develop different skills they will need later on in life. Some of the activities and skills we have been working on include: • · Collaborative Skills- We have been playing different games like Relay Games, Freeze Tag, and kickball where the students have learned that if you work together, you can accomplish your goal. • · Fine Motor Skills- We have been doing different crafts like the making pictures of Santa, coloring pictures, and making cookies to help the students develop their fine motor and coordination skills. • · Listening Skills- We have created Squash books, made cookies, and played bingo games to help the students practice their listening skills. • These are just some of the skills we have been working on while having fun at GRASP. • Future Activities: • This week we are doing activities relating to Santa including watching the 3 Santa Clause Movies. After Christmas Break, we are going to do an activity with foam shapes and colors to create spring like pictures for the bulletin board to remind us that Spring will not be too far away at that point. • GRASP Attendance: • So far this year, we have had an average of 30-35 students per afternoon. This is fabulous news and I am excited about it. This is an increase in attendance of about 10 kids on average compared to last spring. We are having so much fun during OST, I hope the attendance continues to increase. I enjoy working with the students and every day I can't wait for 3:22 to come so I can see whom I get to have fun with. J • Snacks: • This year the students have had the chance to provide snack for a day again if they would like to. Some of the students have brought Freezer Pops, Cheese and Crackers, Ice Cream, Pudding, Pizza Rolls, Halloween Cookies, and Cake among other things. The students have been really excited about having this chance to be a bigger part of GRASP by providing snacks for their friends. Every day someone asks me "Who provided snack today?" When they ask and I tell them, I can see their face light up when they find out who it was and that makes me happy along with the student who brought the snack. J