Groton Area School Newsletter
Elementary Principal~ Dan Dalchow • South Dakota is the land of infinite variety. This applies to the temperatures we have had to endure this school year. We have gone from letting out early due to extreme heat in the first quarter of school, to staying indoors for recess due to extreme cold temperatures in the 2nd quarter of school. We always have the safety of our students in minds and now that we are solidly into our winter weather, this is how we determine if there is outside recess. Our guideline for going out in cold weather is 10 below. Anything close to 10 below zero and we are careful to monitor closely what our students are wearing outside, and typically we shorten up recess so that students get out for some fresh air but that is about it. You would be amazed at the difference a few minutes makes in regards to a classroom's dynamics when students are allowed outside to burn off a little steam, even if it is just a few minutes outside. Rest assured, we monitor temperatures, and wind chills closely while assessing whether or not it is safe to send our students outside for recess. • Speaking of classroom dynamics, students have been very cooperative and well behaved this year. My office has been a lonely place. I hope I did not just jinx myself, but classroom management issues, playground issues, and overall discipline issues are way down this year. It is by far the least number of referrals I have ever had. Supportive families, consistent enforcement of classroom rules, and overall great attitudes by everyone are some of the reasons why discipline referrals are down. I see no reason why this won't continue as I keep saying to everyone who asks me, Groton is a great school district and a great place to work. • As I said to the staff just the other day, we have had a great first half of school! Happy Holidays and if there is ever anything I can help with, or a question you have, please feel free to contact me at school. • Sincerely, • Mr. Dan Dalchow ~ Principal Groton Area Elementary School Elementary Phone # 397-2317 E-mail: dan.dalchow@k12.sd.us
• Junior Kindergarten - Julie Milbrandt • Time sure flies when you are having fun! It is really hard to believe that we are half way through our "first year of school". We are continuing through the alphabet and will begin the new year with the letter N. Each week we make an animal that depicts the letter sound and shape and we are creating a book of tongue twisters -
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