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across its many chapters. • • 3. CHECKING IN ON POSSIBLE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES • They may not be running officially yet but there's plenty of action among potential candidates for the next presidential race. • • 4. FEDS KEEP AN EYE ON ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH • While Colorado prepares to be the first in the nation to allow recreational pot sales in the new year, the Justice Department is standing watch. • • 5. MICHAEL SCHUMACHER SERIOUSLY INJURED IN SKI ACCIDENT • A doctor says he cannot predict the future of the seven-time F1 racing champ, who is in critical condition following brain surgery after hitting his head on a rock in the French Alps. • • 6. WHERE TEACHERS MAKE HOUSE CALLS • Urban public schools in the St. Louis area are experimenting with sending teachers to homes. But unlike previous programs, these visits seek to narrow the divide between teachers and parents. • • 7. CHINA BANS OFFICIALS FROM SMOKING IN PUBLIC • China, which has the world's largest number of smokers, has banned officials from lighting up in public in an effort to get others to limit smoking. • • 8. FEDERAL HEALTH MARKET SURPASSES 1 MILLION SIGNUPS • A December surge gives a boost to the problem-plagued federal insurance market website, the White House says. • • 9. WHERE SOME ALZHEIMER'S PATIENTS TURN FOR CARE • Facilities in northern Thailand provide high-quality care for the elderly that's also less expensive than in Europe or the U.S., some families say. • • 10. WHAT'S AS AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE IN VENEZUELA • The nation's fiercely competitive baseball league is in full swing and it's drawing the biggest contingent of American players in decades. •
(Continued on page 18)