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miliar title, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas." Then at the bottom of the card, they scribbled, "Don't you miss all the snow this time of the year?" Then they drew a series of smiley faces. • I smiled and for a few moments, one brief moment, I did miss all that snow. • The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage saw me smiling and asked, "Who sent the Christmas cards?" • I told her who the cards were from and added, "They think we miss all that snow." We then shared a hearty laugh together and went about our own business. • I just could not get it out of my mind. Did I miss all that snow? What a question. • I put my thinking machine in gear and began processing the Christmases we celebrated up north where there was plenty of snow. As I begin thinking, I did begin missing all that snow. • Then it dawned on me what snow was all about. • At times, we forget some details of our memories and only think of the positive and good aspects. Do not get me wrong. Snow looks wonderful on a Christmas card. I do not mind watching a TV program where plenty of snow is falling and people are singing Christmas carols. I rather enjoy it in those venues. • The question is, did I miss all that snow? • My answer goes something like this. Yes, I do miss all that snow! Furthermore, I plan to miss all that snow for the rest of my life. • The basic reason I moved to Florida when I did was that I do not like snow. I like looking at snow on a Christmas card but I do not like looking at snow through my car window. • It is not so much that I do not like driving in snow; it is the other idiots coming at me who do not know how to drive in snow and do not know how to stay in their own lane. • I remember the last time I did any driving in snow I ended up almost a complete nervous wreck. People drive in snow as though they do not know how to drive in snow. • Yes, I do miss the snow, and the cold and being snowed in, did I mention the cold. I do miss all that and I plan to miss it the rest of my life. Period. Some things you can live without and as far as I am concerned this is one. • To all those who love snow and cannot get enough of it, please enjoy it this year for me because I do not plan to. • Only one Bible characters seemed to enjoy snow. God said to Job, "Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? Or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail?" (Job 38:22). • When God was trying to get Job to see is that no matter what your circum (Continued on page 4)