If you like your snow, you can keep your snow. Please! Dr. James L. Snyder
• Memory is a very wonderful thing, at times. It seems the older I get the more I remember things that never happened. I do not know how that takes place, but I guess it is just old age creeping up on me. With me, old age has ceased creeping and has started a fast sprint to some finish line. I just wish it would slow down just a wee bit. • Christmas, however, is the time to indulge ourselves in memories. Some people can go back in time and remember things when they were two or three years old years old. Me, I cannot remember what I had for breakfast this morning. I have a strong suspicion that those remembering things back that far are remembering things that really did not take place but who in the world is going to prove them wrong. • To me, one of the delightful things about Christmas is getting to see family and friends that you have not seen all year long. I remember those old-fashioned family reunions we used to have when all of our relatives would get together. It was at those reunions that I remembered why I did not see my relatives the rest of the year. Once a year was quite enough, thank you. • If insanity is hereditary, I am in deep trouble. I am only thankful my wife did not meet my relatives prior to our wedding. Of course, after I met her relatives I began realizing that after all, families are relative, and some more relative than others. • I was thinking about some Christmases in the past and the good times we had. I remembered our first Christmas as a married couple. That was probably the cheapest Christmas we ever had. Then I got to thinking about the Christmases as the kids began dropping into our family and taking up permanent residence. When the kids arrived, it changed Christmas forever and not just the cost. • This week I got a couple Christmas cards from some relatives who live up north. All of them had pictures of snow. • Watching the weather reports this week I knew many of them were having snowstorms and I chuckled to myself thinking about it. In one Christmas card, was the fa (Continued on page 3)