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their five-month deployment to Afghanistan and 124 soldiers with the 235th Military Police Company completed their nine-month deployment to Afghanistan. At ceremonies in Pierre and Rapid City, these women and men were able to tell their spouses, parents, families and communities: "I'm home for Christmas." • To those soldiers: Welcome home. I hope you know how grateful South Dakota is for your service and your sacrifice. • Between the last-minute gift wrapping and your family's traditions, I hope you join me in taking a moment to give thanks for all those who are home this Christmas - our troops, our college students, our families who have scattered across the country. • As Army Gen. Sidney B. Berry wrote to his wife on Christmas Eve 1966 from a village in South Vietnam: "Perhaps the best aspect of separation is our increased appreciation and understanding of each other." This holiday season, take the time to be appreciative, to be understanding. From my family to yours, Merry Christmas.