• A young run-away girl collapsed on the streets of a large city at the beginning of the Christmas season. She was rushed to a hospital, placed in intensive care and finally made it to a room where she made slow progress in regaining her health. • One evening a group of carolers stopped by her room and sang the beautiful songs that describe the birth of Jesus. After they sang, a young lady approached her bed and asked if she knew the Baby that they sang about. • Quietly, barely above a whisper she said, "I heard about Him when I went to Sunday school. But don't remember too much about Him." • The young lady reminded her of the story and meaning of the birth of Jesus and the plan of salvation. She accepted the Lord as her Savior. • Finally, it was time for her to leave and a nurse said, "Well, now that you're better, it's time for you to leave." • Happily she said, "Yes, but I'm not leaving alone. I'm taking Jesus with me. Do you know Jesus?" • "Oh, yes," replied the nurse, in a grumpy voice. • "Well, then," she asked, "why aren't you filled with joy like I am now? If you truly know Jesus, you'll be happy all the time." • David said, "Restore the joy of my salvation!" • Prayer: Lord, sometimes we surrender our joy to the stress and strains of life. Come now and return the joy we once had when we accepted Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. • •