Old bucket truck bids fall short of minimum
The bucket truck bids were rejected as two bids were submitted at below the required value. The value was set at $20,000 and the minimum bid amount is 90 percent or $18,000. One bid was received from the City of Hecla for $12,000 and the other from Hughes Electric from Ree Heights for $12,001. The council set the new appraised value at $18,000, which means a minimum of $16,200 would need to be met. Also out on bids was the former south substation transformer, but no bids were received. • Clark Engineering submitted a contract for the engineering fees of the west side project. It came to $134,000, of which the city has already paid about $45,000. • The Lions Club has donated $600 to the playground equipment. • There was a lengthy discussion about accounts that are past due. Some of the new options available include requiring customers to go on a budget plan or must be on a re-paid account. The new electric meters are equipped with a disconnect feature that allows the city to turn the power off from a remote location without having to go and physically remove a meter. • Paul Kosel approved to attend the Joint Utility Training School in Sioux Falls January 21-23. • The first reading of the personnel manual update was approved. The main focus was removing the grievance policy and allowing employees a required hearing before the council if they are terminated from employment. This is a recommendation from the South Dakota Municipal League.