• It was the Sunday before Christmas and the teacher of the fifth grade class was reviewing the details of the birth of Jesus. With carefully chosen words she talked about the difficult journey to Bethlehem. Then she said with sadness, "And when they arrived, there was no room for them in the inn. Wasn't that terrible?" • George, after thinking for a moment about the vacations his family had taken and the plans they made said without thinking, "Why didn't Joseph make a reservation?" • There will be many around us during this holiday season who will make no room - no reservation - for Jesus to be with them once again this year. We often remind each other that "He's the reason for the Season" but do not take time to explain what that reason is. We are quick to condemn those who want to take "Christ out of Christmas" but do not take time to plant the message of Christ in their minds and hearts. We place the manger scene under the tree, cover it with presents and then wrap it back up and forget about His birth and its significance for another year. • Hanging next to Jesus on a cross was a thief who was dying for crimes he committed. In his final moments he turned to Him and said, "Jesus, remember me." And Jesus said, "I will. Today you will be with me in paradise." Today is the best day to make your reservation to be with Him if you have not done so. • Prayer: Your Word, Lord, declares that "Today is the day of salvation." May we take advantage of this day! In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Luke 2:1-7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. • •