mination and perseverance, and never gave up. Without even thinking about it, she regarded them as opportunities to do what she deeply understood was God's purpose for her. Her smile greeted everyone, and she made friendships that lasted her entire life. • Diagnosed with Diabetes in 1984, she became an advocate for diabetes research, participating in the American Diabetes Association's yearly "Rally for a Cure" in DC. She received several national awards, including the ADA's prestigious Advocacy Achievement Award. In 2005 she won Eli Lilly's highest honor, the Lily for Life award, and Ladies Home Journal told her story in March 2005. • In 2000 she entered Crown College and at the age of 68 accomplished her lifelong dream of earning her college degree. • She regarded these accomplishments with humility, as simply doing good, God's will. When her wheelchair limited going and doing, she knitted dozens of little blankets to keep the Humane Society's dear kitties comfortable. That was what Evie did, who she was. • Grateful for sharing her life are her sisters, Kate (Abbie) Kelly of Andover, SD and Betty Breck of Groton, SD, nephew Toby Place, niece Kristina Mackey (Evan), and their children Alex, Cody and Samantha Place and Avery Mackey. • She was predeceased by her mother Myrle Newman Breck, her father Albert Breck, her grandparents and many aunts, uncles, and cousins. • All her life she asked herself "Am I doing good". The answer is, "Yes, Evie, you did good. And God blessed us with your presence". •