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tions. They hope to have something by the end of the school year to present to the school board. "I think we can see some good things from this," Schwan said. • Allison Weber will be competing today in a business contest in Aberdeen. She is one of eight finalists in the running to win $1,000 with her business, "Doggie Spaw." • The three that went to the state oral-interp over the weekend were Jocelyn Peterson who earned a superior, and Lily Cutler and Olivia Lone who both finished excellent. • High School/Middle School Principal Anna Schwan talked about Middle School Ineligibility. "The policy is there, but we'll be following it more closely. So far, so good on day one." • The middle/high school concert is Thursday at 7 p.m. • Elementary students will be singing at the Golden Living center on December 12 and at Sun Dial Manor in Bristol on Dec. 13, both at 2 p.m. • There was discussion on a change order of $29,960 in work done on the 1968 addition roofing project. Of that, there is an $11,400 charge for poor workmanship of the skylights. There was a question of which way to go with the cost of the attorney. The board agreed to have the attorney draft a letter and to settle for half. • Duane Kavanaugh has resigned as the head girls soccer coach as he and Val have now moved out to Rapid City. • Brooke Lingbeck was hired as a special education paraprofessional at $12 and hour for seven hours a day at the high school, effective January 6, 2014. • The bus bids were reviewed and the bid opening was set for January 13, 2014. • One of the healthcare plans does not meet the spec of ObamaCare and had to be adjusted. That will mean a 6 percent increase for the four people on that plan effective January 1, 2014. • There was a request from St. John's Lutheran Church to use the district's sound equipment. Reid Johnson has offered to move the equipment to install and handle it. The board agreed to rent out the equipment. A $150 deposit will be required and the deposit will be returned as long as the equipment comes back undamaged.