Well has been drilled for Olive Grove
• The well for the Olive Grove Golf Course has been drilled. The pump and wiring will be installed in the spring. The bill came in at $5,247.90. The five-inch well is 147 feet deep and the driller anticipates that the well should pump upward to 100 gallons a minute. The original estimate was $7,500. • The city brought in $319,407.74 in property taxes this past month. "We're not rich by any means," said Finance Officer Anita Lowary, "but we will end the year on a positive note." The ending cash balance is $680,619.91 with the bills coming in at $174,421.46. • Cash fund transfers had to be made so that fund balances have a positive balance at the end of the year. That means taking $320,000 from electric, $100,000 from water and $51,000 from sewer to transfer to the general fund. The 2013 Curb and Gutter Construction fund and the 2001 and 2003 Curb and Gutter Assessments were also closed out. Also, loans were made from the airport fund in the amount of $29,000 and from the sewer fund in the amount of $50,000 and transferred to general fund. Those two will be paid back in January.