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led to some lively discussions. • Icivics.org is a site developed by former Chief Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. It is an award winning site that uses games, web quests, and short videos to help us learn about the Constitution and the three branches of government. In one game called "Executive Command" you get to be president for two weeks. Interesting comments from the students about how hard it is to be president. • We are now starting to learn about state governments so will check out South Dakota's official website and learn how our government is set up. • I really thank all of the parents for their support. It makes my job so much more pleasant. • • 8th Grade Science - Jana Duncan • We have studied a variety of topics including minerals, rocks, energy resources, and many more are to come. • We are currently working on ecybermission projects. Cybermission is a program developed by the US Army to encourage young people in middle school to use the scientific method to help solve a problem or need in their community. It is ongoing now until February when all project information must be put into their mission folder on the website. • The students have had many labs on mineral identification, rock identification, using an astrolabe to site the North Star and figure out our latitude, check out how Newton's Laws work, measure with different lab tool, and distinguish between mixtures and compounds. Many more labs to come. • We do appreciate Harry Landau sharing with us his experiences dealing with the tsunami that hit Japan last year. Very interesting. • Second semester we hope to get some speakers that have a career in a science field.
• 7-12 Vocal Music and Show Choir - Mrs. Yeaton • Greetings! It has already been a very busy year! It's hard to believe that the Christmas concert is just around the corner!
• 7th-8th Grade Choir - Mrs. Yeaton • Several members of the 7th-8th Grade Choir traveled to Britton on Monday, October 21, to perform in the Prairie Harvest Choral Festival. The guest conductor was Faye Stryzewski, the 7-12 vocal music director from Chamberlain, South Dakota. Mrs. Stryzewski was my director in high school so it was really fun to see her working with my students! After the choral festival, we began working on Christmas mu (Continued on page 5)