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through math mountains and circle drawings. They have been talking about 1 more and 1 less than the numbers 0-100. • Second grade is beginning some regrouping in addition and subtraction. We will be practicing telling time. We have been comparing numbers to find the greater than or less than number. We are working on counting money. • Third Grade is working on their adding and subtraction skills. They are practicing counting by 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9's to help with multiplication. Third grade has been working on numbers in expanded, word and standard form and will be revisiting it often. Practice in counting money and change is an important skill we are working on through smartboard activities. Elapsed time is being practiced. • Fourth grade has just finished up rounding numbers in the thousands and millions, estimating sums and differences, graphing, A.M., P.M. and elapsed time by the hour and by the calendar. They are beginning multiplication and division. • Fifth grade has been looking for patterns in long division and dividing by two digits. We will be doing a lot of practice on this skill. They have been working with whole numbers and decimals, • • Elementary Music - Lea Kooiman • Our year is off to a great start! The students have been working very hard in preparation for two concerts. Recently, the students sang in the Veterans' Day program and they all did a wonderful job! • Our next performance will be our Christmas Concert, which is Thursday, December 5th at 2:00pm in the High School Gym. The concert will feature songs by grades junior kindergarten through fifth. Students should wear dress clothes for the concert. Our program will include many fun Christmas favorites as well as few new selections. We are very excited for you to see our performance! • If you have any questions or concerns please email me at Lea.Kooiman@k12.sd.us • See you on December 5th! •
Groton Community Calendar
• Sunday, December 1 • State FFA Convention • Birthdays: Darrel Hendrickson • Ahmad Shabazz Jr • Kevin Raap • 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship with Communion and Baptism • 9:00am: St. John's Lutheran with Communion • 10:00am: St. John's Lutheran Bible Study (No School)
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