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• Title I - Nancy Cutler, Lynette Grieve, & Bonnie Schimmel • • Title 1 Reading - K-5th • Our kindergarten Title I students are having such fun using games, activities, and computers as we practice and reinforce the phonics skills of letter recognition, letter names, and phonemic awareness. We work on listening for the beginning sounds of words and the ending sounds of words. • Our first, second, and third grade Title I students also use many different activities, games, and computer games to work on and reinforce their sight word recognition, phoneme segmentation, phonics skills, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, reading fluency, and comprehension. • As the students are successful in their learning process each day, they earn chips that they can use to 'shop' at our Title I store on Fridays. They all love Fridays! • The fourth and fifth grade students started the year on 'Read Naturally', a computer program that they get to pick a story, make a prediction, learn vocabulary words, read, read, and reread the story, take a quiz on the story, and retell the story all before they can pass out of it with a teacher. This quarter we switched to reading for Accelerated Reader points. We develop fluency, comprehension and vocabulary using this process. • As we progress monitor on our weekly probes, the kindergarten probes are letter sounds. They will be switching over to nonsense words after Thanksgiving. The first grades recently started doing oral reading fluency, and the second through fifth graders probes are also oral reading fluency. • Coming in December, we will be taking the winter DIBELS assessment. We take this assessment three times a year; fall, winter, and spring. We are looking for all students to improve from the previous assessment. • It is very important to your child's success in school and life, that you have your child read every night. Please continue to read each evening. Suggestions: While you are making supper, doing dishes, washing or folding clothes have them sit at the table or nearby and read out loud to you. When you are driving to a game or another activity, have them read to you or to themselves. A little more practice provides a huge pay off in life. • • Title 1 Math - K-5th • Kindergarten is just finishing the big numbers 0-10 with a variety of counting activities using cubes. They have been talking about 1 more and 1 less than the numbers 0-10. They are moving on to shapes and finding shapes in their world. • First grade is trying to memorize the 0-10 basic addition and subtraction facts (Continued on page 14)