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also visited the Groton Fire Station and saw all the equipment they use. In each of our classrooms, we practiced the way to "stop, drop and roll" if you or your clothing were on fire. Thank you again, to these wonderful volunteers-Groton is lucky to have such a great crew! • In Reading, we are learning the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. So far, we have learned the letters M, A, S, P, T, I, N, and C. We have also used these letters to build words. We are practicing words that end with the phonograms "-at", "-ap", "-am", "-it", "-ip" and "-in". We have also learned to read eleven sight words! We are finding that Reading is a lot of fun!! • Math finds us busy learning the numbers 0-10. We have counted objects, written numbers, and put numbers in the correct order. We have also been doing a lot of graphing in our math books. During the month of October, we did Pumpkin Math. We counted grooves, estimated the circumference, measured height and weighed each pumpkin. This was great practice for writing those bigger numbers. We have begun our sixth book on Geometry! We are learning about the "solid shapes"-sphere, cylinder, cube and cone. What big words for Kindergartners! • Nocturnal animals were a fun Science lesson. We learned that raccoons and bats are both nocturnal animals. We have made art projects, learned facts and read stories about these "creatures of the night". • Social Studies also keep us busy. We learned about Veterans Day and the people that fight for our country to protect America. We sang the song, "God Bless the USA" at our Veterans Day program. We hope you enjoyed it! We thought the program was wonderful. We also learned about Pilgrims and Native Americans. We learned Pilgrims traveled from England across the ocean and landed in America. We found all of these places on our globes. Kindergarten students are also working on a neat "Thankful" booklet to share with you at home. Enjoy! • Mrs. Swisher's class would like to welcome Marissa Weber. She is a student at Northern State University who is majoring in Elementary Education. She will be student teaching the months of November and December. Welcome, Miss Weber! We are happy to have you with us in Kindergarten! • Happy Thanksgiving! We are very thankful for the Kindergartners in our classrooms! • • 2nd Grade - Jane Kroll and Anne Zoellner • The second graders have had a whirlwind of a 2nd quarter! Between preparing for the Veteran's Day program, Christmas program, and the Thanksgiving meal, they have been busy. • The Thanksgiving meal is a first and second grade tradition. We will wear Native (Continued on page 12)