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school. The majority of the time our students are very good about remembering to have both snow boots and shoes to wear, but not always. When a student forgets to bring their shoes, we like to be able to offer them a pair of shoes to wear for the day. As such, we have an inventory of shoes in the office, but we are short on various sizes. If you have some children's shoes collecting dust at your house, please give the school a call and see if we need the sizes you have. We would be happy to take good quality used shoes off your hands for our students who forget theirs. • If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me during school hours. • Sincerely, • Mr. Dan Dalchow ~ Principal Groton Area Elementary School Elementary Phone # 397-2317 E-mail: dan.dalchow@k12.sd.us • • Preschool - Paula Johnson • With November brings cooler temperatures, but luckily no snow days, yet! Due to these changes, preschool has been busy learning how to zip coats, put on and take off boots, hats, and gloves independently. It is very exciting to see how excited they are when they do something by themselves for the first time! To say they are proud of themselves is an understatement. • Of course, with November also comes Thanksgiving. We have been busy making crafts, reading books, learning about colors, shapes, and numbers, singing songs, and playing in special centers, all based on the Thanksgiving theme. Before we leave for Thanksgiving break, we will be treating ourselves to some pumpkin pie in a cup that we will make ourselves. • We have had many good times this month in preschool and hope to continue to do so. We have many fun activities planned for the Christmas season ahead of us and are looking forward to every minute of it. Hopefully the weather cooperates and we are able to fit it all in before Christmas Vacation! Happy Holidays. • • • Kindergarten - Ann Gibbs and Renee Swisher • Kindergarten has had lots of fun this fall. Our first twelve weeks have flown by so quickly! Thank you to all the parents who attended parent teacher conferences November 14th. We enjoy sharing all the great things with you that your child has completed up to this point. • Fire Prevention week was in October and we learned how to be safe in case of a fire. Thank you to our volunteer firefighters who came to our classrooms. Thank you to Trent Anderson, Darin Erdmann, Eric Moody, and Cody Bonn. We (Continued on page 11)