4th Grade 9:00 Groton vs. MO/OMT - Court 3 9:00 Hamlin Blue vs. Redfield Red -Court 4 10:00 Groton vs. Hamlin Blue - Court 3 10:00 MO/OMT vs. Redfield Red - Court 4 11:00 Langford vs. Hamlin Gold- Court 3 11:00 Redfield White vs. ? - Court 4 12:00 Groton vs. Redfield Red - Court 4 1:00 MO/OMT vs. Hamlin Blue - Court 4 2:00 Langford vs. Redfield White - Court 3 2:00 Hamlin Gold vs. ? - Court 4 3:00 Hamlin Gold vs. Redfield white - Court 3 3:00 Langford vs. ? - Court 4
5th Grade 9:00 Webster A vs. Groton- Court 1 9:00 Redfield vs. Miller - Court 2 10:00 Webster A vs. Redfield - Court 1 10:00 Miller vs. Groton - Court 2 11:00 Webster B vs. Ipswich - Court 1 11:00 Aberdeen vs. Hamlin - Court 2 12:00 Webster A vs. Miller - Court 3 1:00 Webster B vs. Aberdeen - Court 1 1:00 Ipswich vs. Hamlin - Court 2 1:00 Redfield vs. Groton - Court 3 3:00 Webster B vs. Hamlin - Court 1 3:00 Aberdeen vs. Ipswich - Court 2
6th Grade 12:00 Langford vs. Groton - Court 1 12:00 Hamlin vs. Miller - Court 2 2:00 Langford vs. Hamlin - Court 1 2:00 Groton vs. Miller- Court 2 4:00 Hamlin vs. Groton - Court 1 4:00 Langford vs. Miller - Court 2
** Courts 1& 2 are in the North Gym ** Courts 3 & 4 are in the South Gym