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City; 8.0 inches in Faulkton; and 7.0 inches in Britton and Conde. • 1798: This marked the beginning of the Long Winter of 1789-99, as eighteen inches of snow fell in New York City on this date. • 1921: The Columbia Gorge ice storm finally came to an end after blocking the Columbia River Highway at the Dalles with 54 inches of snow, sleet, and glaze. • 1981: The Hubert Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis, MN was damaged by the weight of heavy snow. Almost a foot of snow was reported, which weighed heavily on the newly-inflated roof, causing it to tear and collapse. After completely deflating, the rip was repaired, and the roof was re-inflated. The roof would collapse again a few more times, most recently on December 12, 2010 when 17 inches of snow fell. •