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• Dakotas projects getting energy efficiency money • SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Twenty projects in the Dakotas are getting money through a federal Agriculture Department program aimed at helping farmers, ranchers and small rural businesses boost energy efficiency. • The goal of the Rural Energy for America Program is to help producers and businesses reduce energy consumption and use renewable energy technology. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says 424 projects across the nation are sharing in more than $14 million in grants and loan guarantees. • Most funding amounts in the Dakotas range from about $12,000 to near $50,000. Projects range from new grain dryers and wind turbines on farms to new coolers in grocery stores. •
10 Things to Know for Today The Associated Press
• Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today: • 1. 'THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD'S GONE' • Michael Perdun of Washington, Ill., is among scores of Midwesterners who lost homes as tornadoes and severe thunderstorms hit the region Sunday, causing fatalities and extensive damage. • • 2. WHICH STATE IS MANUALLY FILING 'OBAMACARE' APPLICATIONS • Oregon is struggling to deal with thousands of paper files because its online exchange is still not working. • • 3. INVESTIGATORS PROBE RUSSIA PLANE CRASH • All passengers and crew are killed as a Boeing 737 jetliner crashes and bursts into flames while trying to land at the airport in Kazan, about 450 miles east of Moscow. • • 4. WHY A TAHRIR SQUARE MEMORIAL IS SPARKING PROTESTS • Some say the tribute to Egypt's fallen demonstrators is an attempt to gloss over the continuing turmoil. • • 5. TORONTO MAYOR FACING YET ANOTHER SETBACK • City council could vote to strip Rob Ford of his remaining powers. •
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