• "You know," he said stroking his beard, "I have a problem learning from my past sins." • "What do you mean?" I asked. "Most people say they learn from previous experiences - including sins." • "Well," he said with confidence, "I can prove them all wrong." • "How can you do that?" I asked. • "Well," he said, stroking his beard once again. "It's actually easy. Have you ever committed the same sin twice?" • "Unfortunately, I have," I replied. • And before I could explain what I was talking about he said with great confidence, "I rest my case." • Repeating the same sin more than once is common in the lives of many Christians. Others often lose sight of what living the Christian life is all about and are not even aware of committing a sin. Some become careless about their responsibility to live in obedience to God's laws and are unconcerned about sinning. We forget that we are accountable to God for everything we do. Perhaps it would be helpful if we took some time to do an inventory of the sins we know we frequently commit. Remembering our past will help keep us close to God and avoid re-sinning! • The children of Israel had this problem. Listen to the Psalmist: "But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His counsel." If we focus on the great things God has done for us and if we seek His counsel and wait for His guidance we can avoid repeating our sins. • Prayer: Lord, we want to live a life that honors You and is free from sin. May we look to You for Your guidance. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 106:13 But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold. •