• From America's founding, it was the Declaration of Independence that proclaimed our freedom, but the soldier who won it. It is the Constitution that outlines our rights, but the soldier who secures them. Congress has the sole responsibility for declaring war, but we must never forget that it's the soldier who is put in harm's way by these decisions. • The greatness of this country rests in those who have fought to preserve everything that we hold dear. Many of those that have engaged in this fight call South Dakota their home. To those individuals, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for putting your country first. • While the debt we owe to these women and men can never be repaid, we all have a responsibility to make sure these heroes get the respect and appreciation they have earned. • This week, we celebrate Veterans Day - a day set aside to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, their love of country, and their willingness to serve and sacrifice on our behalf. • In honor of this day, we must ask ourselves: What is it that we can do for those (Continued on page 12)