Lazy Farmers 4-H Meeting
• The October 6, 2013 meeting of the Lazy Farmers was held at the Groton Community Center. • Wyatt Sombke called the meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Brody Sombke and the 4-H pledge was led by Mark Leonhardt. 23 members answered roll call "How can you promote 4H this week?." New members attending were Portia and Pierce Kettering, Lexi Osterman, Jayla Jones, and Kelby Tracy. Graduating members from 2012-2013 are Taylor and Cheyenne Leonhardt, Tara Telkamp, and Ellie Harms. • The September Secretaries minutes were read by Alex Stange and a motion was made by Maryn to approve and seconded by Mark. The Treasurers report was read by Alexis G. and a motion was made by Mark and seconded by Brody to approve. Bills were submitted by Stanges for fair concession stand club donations and Threshing Bee supplies. • Old business included ribbon premium and asking members about taking project "tickets" home from the fair. Members were asked to talk to the 4H office if they know they did not turn them in after judging at the fair and accidentally took them home. Community service projects by individuals were completed by Cassandra and Kelby helping at their Sunday Schools. • New business: National 4H week is October 6-12!! Please wear your 4H tshirts to school this week and promote 4H. Members were also encouraged to get their thank yous written and deliver cookies to businesses who support the 4H program. • Officers for 2013-2014 were elected as follows: Tyra Leonhardt was elected President. Last year it was voted the VP would move into President office unless they were graduating. Alex Stange was elected Vice President. A motion was made by Mark and (Continued on page 10)