• Josh felt that things were not going the way he wanted them to go in his relationship with Janie. So, he decided to take her a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a large box of candy. When Janie saw the lovely gifts, she was so excited that she threw her arms around Josh and gave him a warm hug and kiss. • Suddenly, he turned and began running down the steps of her porch. "Where are you going, Josh? Have I embarrassed you? Have I offended you?" • "Oh no," came the reply. "I'm going for some more flowers and candy!" • God gives us one good gift after another. They come whether we expect them or not - even though we do not deserve them! • Psalm 106 begins with a shout: PRAISE THE LORD! And following the shout the Psalmist gives us a reason for us to shout: "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever!" • His everlasting love and goodness are like rivers that flow through our lives bringing us His blessings that we do not deserve nor could ever earn. His river never dries up in the summer or turns into ice in the winter. It flows freely bringing us God's best every day of our lives! • Surely it is good to give God thanks. But it is even better to show Him our thanks by doing His work in His world. Now that Jesus has gone to be with His Father in Heaven we are left here to do what He started. We are obligated to reach out to the lost with His love and grace. • Prayer: Trouble our hearts, Heavenly Father, and give us no rest until we willing do the things Your Son did. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 106:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. •