(Continued from page 9)
seconded by Tanae for nominations cease in VP election. Hannah Webb was elected Secretary. Motion was made by Mark and seconded by Lane for nominations cease in Secretary election. Kari Hanson was elected Treasurer. Nomination cease motion made by Brody and seconded by Mark. Portia Kettering was elected Photographer. Motion made by Travis for nomination cease and seconded by Brody. Wyatt Sombke and Brody Sombke were appointed Junior Leaders. • The club voted on a December 1 Christmas party at Jungle Lanes. Wyatt and Brody were appointed to contact Jungle Lanes and reserve 4:00 rental time. • Newshound was emailed and a copy was available at the meeting. • The next meeting will be held on November 10 at noon, prior to the Recognition Event at the Ramada in Meeting Room A. Pizza and pop will be served. Tessa, Portia, Kari and Tanae volunteered to bring 2 dozen cookies and Makayla volunteered to help set-up for the Recognition Event since the Lazy Farmers are one of the Host clubs this year. • Mark made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Hannah sec