• It almost seems contradictory when we read these words of the Psalmist: "For He remembered His holy promise." It's as if God were in a grocery store and just as He began to walk through the parking lot to His car He stopped and said, "Oh my. I forgot the milk! I'm glad I thought of it." But not so. • As Psalm 105 comes to a conclusion the author reminds us of the faithfulness of our God. So he wanted to remind the readers, once again, that whether or not they were faithful to Him, He was. He made a covenant with Abraham and through the many generations from the day that covenant was made until that very moment, He was always with them. When they felt alone He made His presence known. When they needed protection He was there to guard them. When they were hungry He provided food to nourish them. When they were weak and weary they could rely on His power. • God has been, is and will be true to what He says. And He is faithful to keep His word to whomever He gives it. Wherever we look in history - in times of defeat and delay - it does not mean that God has forgotten what He has promised. God is still faithful to His holy promise. His promises are holy and sacred because they come from a God who is holy. Through days that seemed unbearable and nights that had no stars God was always with them - working out His will in His way according to His plan. • God calls us to Himself to make us like Himself. He will do whatever it takes to restore His image in us. • Prayer: Give us patience and perseverance, faith and willingness, hope and trust, Lord, as we become like You. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 105:42 For he remembered his holy promise given to his servant Abraham.