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tively to learning to read. Using varied volume, pitch, inflection, and intonation holds a child's interest and increases awareness of a broad range of sound features. • Enjoy the short list of books that I am recommending. Please feel free to contact me for a more complete list of books that target a variety of sounds and sound patterns. • --Initial and Final /d/ "The Doorbell Rang" by Pat Huchins for ages 3-8 years. • --Initial /s/ blends "Snake Supper" by Alan Durant and Ant Parker for ages 4-8 years • --Final /s/ and /z/ "Town Mouse, Country Mouse" by Jan Brett for ages 4-8
• Physical Education - Lynette Grieve • This first nine weeks of school have been good for having P.E. outside. The nice weather and fresh air refreshes us for our next set of afternoon classes. The kindergarten, first, and second graders have had numerous Physical Education classes outside since the first day of school. • We have enjoyed playing kickball, Pom-Pom Pull-Away, and Helping Hands Tag. We have also learned how and practiced throwing a Frisbee to a partner and into a target. • We have since moved inside and are learning about volleyball. We have practiced the 'bump' and the 'set' using a beach ball instead of a volleyball. This week we will put up the net and practice hitting the beach ball over the net using the 'bump' and 'set' types of hits.
• GRASP/OST (Before and After School Program) - Rose Long • During GRASP, students have been participating in a variety of activities that help develop different skills they will need later on in life. Some of the activities and skills we have been working on include: • • · Collaborative Skills- We have been playing different games like Relay Games, Pin Guard, or Sleeping Lion where the students have learned that if you work together, you can accomplish your goal. • • · Fine Motor Skills- We have been doing different crafts like the Halloween Detail Drawings, Corn on the Cob, and Finger Paint Trees that help the students develop their fine motor and coordination skills. • These are just some of the skills we have been working on while having fun at GRASP.
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