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some of our topics, mostly math. We start working with multiplication and fractions much sooner than in previous years. We will be working with area and perimeter more than we ever have in the past. However, we still need to ensure we have a strong foundation of the basics while adding new skills, so we continue to make money, time, word problems, and basic facts a part of our day whenever we can. • We are always so excited about books in third grade - old favorites and new ones that come our way. We have read a wide variety of picture books and novels by outstanding authors. Humphrey the Hamster chapter books are a definite favorite with third graders. We have a genre wheel this year to categorize each story/book as we finish them. Students place a sticker on the wheel for science fiction/fantasy, realistic fiction, nonfiction/informational text, biographies/autobiographies, traditional literature, (myths, fables, legends) mysteries, and poetry. This has made students conscious of the differences in each type of genre. • Something new this year we are trying is interactive notebooks in language, reading, and math. When studying a skill, students do a one or two-page layout with visuals to help them remember the most important information when studying a particular skill. Some entries include a practice activity for students. Students may use these all year to look back in as a reference. • Science finds us studying animals. This includes learning about life cycles and classification. Students will research and write animal reports. We are leaning about different types of communities in social studies - urban, suburban, and rural. Students made rural collages and will complete rural and urban art projects. Map work and geography remain ongoing throughout all topics. • Fall art adorns every nook and cranny of our room, so we hope that will encourage the season to stick around for several more weeks. As always, we are grateful to go to school in such a supportive community. Happy fall!
• 5th Grade ~ Shelby Hendrickson & Janel Lone • Fifth grade has 44 students this year and a new face. We welcome Mrs. Hendrickson to Groton Elementary. She is a Roslyn native and now resides in Aberdeen with her husband, Travis. Mrs. Hendrickson has worked in the Aberdeen school district and was the YMCA's Outreach Director. She is a wonderful addition to our school. • Fifth grade continues to be departmentalized in hopes of better preparing our students for junior high. Departmentalizing means that teachers are assigned to certain subjects rather than just certain students. Mrs. Hendrickson teaches Reading, Spelling, and Social Studies and Mrs. Lone teaches Math, English, and Science to all 5th graders.
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