have a Gingerbread House display and if you want to put one on display, you should contact them for details. The girls already said they want to go back to see that when it's done.
• There was a teepee and a cottage that was on display in the museum as well. While we were there, I was talking with a lady whose job is hauling hunting dogs all over the nation. She said many of the hunting dogs cannot travel by airplane because once they do, they do not do very good hunting. She had transported some dogs to Aberdeen. She was kind enough to take a photo
of the girls and I in front of one of the houses. • Marianne Martilla was on duty at the museum and she told us about the Wacipi that was going on at the Barnett Center. So we decided to go to that for a while. It is an event where the Native Americans do dances and pow wows. The most interesting part when we were there was the potato event. Couples had to take a potato and put it between their foreheads and then motivate around the floor to the beat of the drum. They had to have their hands behind their back while doing this. It looks easy, but it really wasn't. Some dropped out in the first few seconds. Four couples went a long time and the final three even longer. The winning couple was very graceful during the event, and just to point out, they were not related so they did not practice. In fact, they were from different states. • Then after all that, we went shopping!
Jeslyn and Julianna Kosel had the opportunity to have their picture taken with this Native American couple from Agency, S.D. They are Joy and Michael Renville.