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cracked as she read off a folded piece of paper, stopping at times. • "Gerardo was a great man who always showed his love for our family. He was always there to help anyone in need and always made people laugh with his wonderful sense of humor," she said. • Hernandez was the first TSA official in the agency's 12-year history to be killed in the line of duty. • ___
Sticker shock often follows cancellation notice for those with individual health care policies
• MIAMI (AP) -- Dean Griffin liked the health insurance he purchased for himself and his wife three years ago and thought he'd be able to keep the plan even after the federal Affordable Care Act took effect. • But the 64-year-old recently received a letter notifying him the plan was being canceled because it didn't cover certain benefits required under the law. • The Griffins, who live near Philadelphia on the Delaware border, pay $770 monthly for their soon-to-be-terminated health care plan with a $2,500 deductible. The cheapest plan they found on their state insurance exchange was a so-called bronze plan charging a $1,275 monthly premium with deductibles totaling $12,700. It covers only providers in Pennsylvania, so the couple wouldn't be able to see the doctors in Delaware whom they've used for more than a decade. • "We're buying insurance that we will never use and can't possibly ever benefit from. We're basically passing on a benefit to other people who are not otherwise able to buy basic insurance," said Griffin, who is retired from running an information technology company. • The Griffins are among millions of people nationwide who buy individual insurance policies and are receiving notices that those policies are being discontinued because they don't meet the higher benefit requirements of the new law. • ___
McAuliffe plans rally with Obama while Cuccinelli sprints around Virginia in search of votes
• HARRISONBURG, Va. (AP) -- President Barack Obama is lending his political heft to Terry McAuliffe's campaign for Virginia governor while Republican Ken Cuccinelli is flying from airport to airport in search of votes. • McAuliffe and Cuccinelli planned the final Sunday of their bitter campaign trying (Continued on page 23)