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• Luther lives in Sweden. Johnny remains at an unofficial refugee camp inside Thailand, not far from where the brothers were sent after they surrendered to Thai authorities in 2001. Now 25, Johnny has hopes of reuniting with family in New Zealand, and Luther has questions about their former comrades that may never be answered. • Members of their Karen ethnic group who have long sought autonomy in Myanmar have laid down their arms since a military dictatorship gave way to a nominally civilian government in 2011. Last month, during his first trip back to Thailand since leaving for Sweden in 2009, Luther said he would fight only if his people were hurt again. • "It's not fun to fight anymore, now that I'm afraid to die. No one wants to fight unless they have to, you know," Luther said. • The legend of the twins began to form in 1997, when Myanmar troops entered their village during a sweep of Karen territory. At the time, the rebel Karen National Union was in sharp decline. • ___
BART union overwhelmingly ratifies contract that ended strike; no word yet on 2nd union's vote
• OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) -- Members of a Bay Area Rapid Transit labor union that went out on strike twice in recent months overwhelmingly ratified a contract agreement that officials said will increase pay and lead to improved safety conditions. • The Service Employees International Union Local 1021 announced late Friday night that members approved a four-year contract with BART that covers workers responsible for the repair, maintenance and cleaning of the BART system. • The second BART union, the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1555, also voted on the contract Friday, but local news reports said the union would not announce the result until later Saturday morning. • ATU President Antonette Bryant said earlier that the union's executive board recommended a yes vote. "But it remains to see what the members' choices are." • If both unions ratify the contract, BART's board of directors would likely then vote on the new contract during a special meeting, BART officials have said. • ___
In letter to German lawmaker, Snowden seeks foreign help to get US spying charges dropped
• BERLIN (AP) -- The U.S. refused to show any leniency to fugitive leaker Edward (Continued on page 24)