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their staffs gets ejected, and who stays. And they don't have to say who, how many or why. • What they all say is this: • "I followed the law," said Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., echoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and others. • ___
Still all smiles: Newly insured who became latest faces of health overhaul defend their choice
• PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (AP) -- It didn't take long for the friendly-looking young woman whose face was splashed across HealthCare.gov to spiral from smiling stock photo to laughingstock. As it scrambles to correct problems with the website, the Obama administration is now asking people who have successfully purchased health insurance to let their pictures be used instead. • Two of them told The Associated Press they found the site easy to navigate, were happy with the plans they purchased and were eager to share their stories in any format, including become the new face of the health care overhaul. • Not long after she enrolled on Oct. 3, Deborah Lielasus of Portsmouth was contacted by the Department of Health and Human Services and asked to appear both in a video describing her experience and in photographs that could replace the stock photo. She agreed, in part, to set an example for her children. • "I think it's important to show them that you shouldn't hide from being honest and being sincere and talking about something that you believe in," she said. "Although family members have said to me, 'You don't need this, don't do this, because you're just going to get hurt,' I have felt like it is important." • Opponents aren't impressed. "The White House should focus more on fixing their flawed law and less time trying to prove their law isn't broken," said Kirsten Kukowski, spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee. • ___
Appeals court ruling means one-third of Texas' abortion clinics can't perform procedure
• AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- A third of the abortion clinics in Texas can no longer perform the procedure starting Friday after a federal appeals court allowed most of the state's new abortion restrictions to take effect. • A panel of judges at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled Thurs (Continued on page 24)