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• For one, by the time I realize I have to go to the bathroom there is a line for the bathroom. Fortunately, but the time I extradite myself from my seat the line has dwindled dramatically. Then again, I have to go to the bathroom so bad I am dancing up the aisle to the bathroom to the great applause of the people sitting there. • Once I fasten myself into the seat, I try to get comfortable enough to do a little reading. Since I am sitting in the aisle seat, everybody is bumping into me as they go up and down the aisle. • Now that I am situated so that I cannot move, they come again with beverages. Why is it I forget there is a link between drinking a beverage and going to the bathroom? I know there is a link but when I am up in the air so high my tiny little grey cells are working in slow motion. So why take a free beverage? Well, it is free! • I am at the age in my development where going to the bathroom is a frequent activity, even when not drinking any beverages. When consuming a beverage, this activity kicks into high gear. Once again, I need to extricate myself from my seat and find my way to the bathroom. • I am not quite sure about this, but I believe in mid air the airplane pilot switches the bathroom from the front to the rear. I am dancing up the aisle, which I believe is in the direction of the bathroom, only to discover I am going in the wrong direction. • A few of the people in the seats are smiling at me and one person gives me a thumbs-up as I turn around and dance in the direction of the actual bathroom facility. With a forced grin, I give a thumbs-up back at him and proceed in the direction of the bathroom. • It is at this point that I run into a line. Wouldn't you know it; the line is for the bath (Continued on page 7)