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eas. • In Washington, demonstrators held up signs reading "Thank you, Edward Snowden!" as they marched and rallied near the U.S. Capitol to demand that Congress investigate the NSA's mass surveillance programs. • This vacuum-cleaner approach to data collection has rattled allies. • ___
Before killings and chase with hostages in trunk, Mojave Desert gunman's life began to unravel
• RIDGECREST, Calif. (AP) -- Sergio Munoz was known around this small desert city to acquaintances as a personable dad, and to police for his long rap sheet. • In recent weeks, he began losing the moorings of a stable life -- his job, then his family. Kicked out of the house, he had been staying at a friend's place, using and dealing heroin. • Life fully unraveled when Munoz, with two hostages in his trunk, led officers on a wild chase Friday after killing a woman and injuring his crash-pad friend. He shot the friend after he had refused to join what Munoz planned would be a final rampage against police and "snitches." • Munoz knew the authorities well enough that after the initial, pre-dawn slaying he called one patrol officer's cellphone and announced that he wanted to kill all police in town. But because he would be outgunned at the station he would instead "wreak havoc" elsewhere, Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood said at a news conference Friday. • Munoz kept his word, first firing at drivers in Ridgecrest, according to police, then taking shots at pursuing officers and passing motorists during a chase along 30 miles of highway that runs through the shrub-dotted desert about 150 miles north of Los Angeles. He ran traffic off the road, firing at least 10 times at passing vehicles with a shotgun and a handgun, though no one was hurt. • ___
Jay-Z defends partnership with retailer Barneys after luxury NYC store accused of profiling
• NEW YORK (AP) -- Jay-Z -- under increasing pressure to back out of a collaboration with the luxury store Barneys New York after it was accused of racially profiling two black customers -- said Saturday he's being unfairly "demonized" for just waiting to hear all of the facts.
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