• Leading tacklers for Groton were Spencer Knecht with nine, Jackson Doeden with seven and Alec Oleson with six. Tynella Anthony led Sisseton with nine and Karbyn Bertsch with eight. • Groton is now 4-4 on the season while Sisseton falls to 2-6. "We ended the regular season at five hundred. Last year, we were watching the playoffs so I'm glad we're going into the post season. This time of year, we want to be playing pretty decent football."
• - Paul Kosel
Here is the link for the photo album from the game
Applications will be accepted for part-time warming house attendant for skating for the City of Groton until 11/18/13. Contract City Finance Office, 209 N Main St, PO Box 587, Groton, SD 57445 or call 397-8422 for an application. EOE.
Housekeeping help. Bi-weekly or weekly. Call 397-8391. (1017.1031)