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• Daugaard's order declares a state of emergency and exempts delivery of propane from federal motor carrier regulations on drivers' hours of service. It was signed Wednesday. • The governor says that the continued transportation of propane is essential for agricultural operations in South Dakota. • Daugaard says that although the hours of service have been temporarily suspended for commercial deliveries, companies may not require or allow fatigued drivers to make deliveries. • The order expires Nov. 30. •
Gov extends executive orders for cattle disposal
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Gov. Dennis Daugaard has extended an executive order that waives the standard 36-hour carcass disposal requirement for animals killed in an early October blizzard. • Daugaard is also extending a waiver of the overweight limits for truckers hauling carcasses of cattle. • Both orders were initially signed on Oct. 11, and were set to expire Friday. The executive orders have been extended until Nov. 30. • Daugaard says ranchers across the state are still dealing with devastating losses of between 15,000 and 30,000 animals and the extensions are necessary. •
Wildlife officials seek protection for butterflies • DIRK LAMMERS, Associated Press
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Federal wildlife officials are proposing that two Upper Midwest butterflies be classified as threatened or endangered species in the wake of rapid population declines. • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plans to publish its proposal to protect the Dakota skipper and the Poweshiek skipperling in Thursday's edition of the Federal Register, said Georgia Parham, a public information specialist. • The species are threatened by degradation or changes to their tallgrass prairie habitat, Parham said Wednesday. • "That type of habitat is really declining across the country, and especially in the Midwest," she said. "These butterflies are dependent on that specific type of habitat." • The Dakota skipper, found in South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota and Can (Continued on page 19)