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Wednesday that hookah "constitutes smoking" because particulates found in hookah's byproduct are similar to tobacco, according to the Rapid City Journal. • "It is tobacco smoke," she said. • The owners of Ifrits contend that vapor, not smoke, is exhaled. • "We believe the statute does not apply," Ifrits' attorney Steven Wesolick told Davis. • Davis on Wednesday afternoon went to the lounge and took a draw from a hookah pipe himself, according to the Journal and KOTA-TV. •
SD county changes mind on farmland classification
• RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) -- The Pennington County Commission has revised criteria used to determine what properties are considered farmland. • Commissioners voted 3-2 this week to reverse a May decision that quadrupled the minimum acreage for qualifying for an agricultural tax break, from 40 acres to 160 acres. • The commission set the higher standard last spring amid concerns that some people were exploiting the "agricultural" label to save money on taxes. But the tightening of the criteria drew the ire of rural property owners, particularly those with hobby-size farms. • The commission plans to continue to study the issue, and to press the Legislature for general changes to state law regarding the agricultural land classification. •
10 Things to Know-Today The Associated Press
• Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today: • 1. BART WORKERS GO ON STRIKE • Transit workers walk off the job in the San Francisco Bay area after labor talks break down. • • 2. OBAMA HAS THREE-ITEM TO-DO LIST FOR CONGRESS • The president wants to tackle immigration, farm legislation and the budget by the end of the year. • • 3. GOVERNMENT GETTING BACK TO NORMAL
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