Friday,  Oct. 18, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 94 • 15 of 37


• The Taj Mahal of India is one of the most costly and beautiful tombs in all of the world. It was built by an Indian ruler, using twenty thousand men, in memory of his favorite wife.
• It is built of white marble and rests on an eight-sided platform of red sandstone. Each side is one hundred thirty feet long. A beautiful dome covers the center part of the building. It is famous for its remarkable acoustics and visitors entering the building are advised to be cautious of their voices and the sounds they make. It is to be a place of quiet respect.
• Years ago Henrietta Mears, founder of Gospel Light Publications and one of the greatest Christian educators in the history of the church, visited the Taj Mahal and asked the guide, "May I say something?" When she was granted permission she walked on the platform and exclaimed in a moving voice, "Jesus, Christ, Son of God is Lord over all!"
• Like rolls of thunder echoing in a canyon between majestic mountains her powerful voice reverberated from wall to wall and down the corridors and all inside of the tomb heard the message, "Lord over all, over all, over all, over all..."
• There are times when we look at the conditions that surround us and the problems facing us when we doubt that essential fact - "Lord over all!" God had David encode that fact in Psalm 103:19b: "His kingdom rules over all." It was then; it is now and ever will be. God rules!
Prayer: May we never doubt, Lord, that You are the one who controls all things - and trust in Your sovereignty! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 103:19 The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.

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