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granting school. There was some heavy lifting during that time, and the people of the State of South Dakota owe a great deal to Dr. Wegner, and other grand leaders who had the foresight to get that done. But he did it with his usual graciousness. Grace is a word that reflects not only elegance in movement, but also in kindness, politeness, and goodwill shown for others. • Each of you certainly can name a few teachers that made a difference in your life. Perhaps it was one or both parents who gave you a sense of worth and of the value of honesty; or a third grade teacher who showed you how "you can do it" and how to help others; or a high school teacher who taught you toughness and not to give up; or a college professor who helped you achieve a creative and academic challenge. • Dr. Karl Wegner was, and still is, a teacher who has made a big difference in my life, and many lives, teaching not only what can go wrong with the human body, but also how to face difficulty with grace. • • Dr. Rick Holm wrote this Prairie Doc Perspective for "On Call®," a weekly program where medical professionals discuss health concerns for the general public. "On Call®" is produced by the Healing Words Foundation in association with the South Dakota State University Journalism Department. "On Call®" airs Thursdays on South Dakota Public Broadcasting-Television at 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain. Visit us at OnCallTelevision.com.