• After calling the medical school, I was connected to Dr. Karl Wegner because he was one willing to do such a thing. I must say, I have never before or since met a more gracious man, and that evening he presented to our little premed group the details of applying to medical school with a helpful and thoughtful way. It was there I heard for the first time one of the great lecturers of my lifetime experience. • A few years later after acceptance into medical school, I was one of a group of innocent, empty-headed, sophomore students trying to absorb everything about pathology from Dr. Wegner and his wondrous crew of physician teachers. Up to that class, we had learned about normal healthy anatomy and physiology, but it was in pathology we learned about the cause for each and every illness; basically what can go wrong in the human body. • At the time, Karl Wegner was the chair of the department of Pathology, and later became the dean of the school, serving during the tough transition time when our med school moved from a first-two-year program to a full four-year M.D. degree- (Continued on page 6)