• Missionaries who travel to visit distant tribes in the most remote villages of the world seem to have a similar experience: when the natives learn and understand that there is only one God whose story is told in the Bible and whom they can come to know through Jesus Christ, they lose their fear of "their gods." Most of them have many different gods whom they do not know nor understand - only fear. So, they live lives filled with fear - afraid that they will displease the god they have created who may punish or kill them, their families or tribe at any time. So, they live lives that are haunted, not helped by their beliefs. • How different is the God of the Bible whom we can come to know, love and understand. Our God has the heart of a loving Father. The Psalmist described Him in wonderful, gracious terms when he wrote, "As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who hear - stand in awe of - Him." • He has compassion on us when we are weak and need His strength to make it through difficult days and long nights. He has compassion on us when we hurt and need His hope and healing. He has compassion on us when we have failed Him and need His forgiveness. • One day two fathers were talking. "If your son was my son, I would never speak to him again for what he's done to you." "Yes," replied the father who was filled with grief, "but he's not. He's my son and I'll always love him." How like our compassionate Heavenly Father. • Prayer: Thank You, Father, for Your compassion which we so desperately need - yet can never earn nor deserve. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; •