• He "crowns you with love and compassion," wrote David. What an amazing statement. Is it possible for us to understand what this means? God Himself crowning us with His love and compassion? What might our author have had in mind when he wrote this? Could it mean that we are kings in God's eyes? • Not really. It means that when we became His children He crowned us with His loyal, never-ending, steadfast love. We are His now and we will be His forever throughout eternity and nothing will ever separate us from Him or His love. • In his letter to Timothy, Paul wrote that "If we die with Him we will also live with Him, and if we endure hardship we will also reign with Him." • Although we may suffer great hardships in this life, God assures us that someday we will live eternally with Him. So, it's worth it. And when we live in Christ's Kingdom, we will share His eternal reign with Him. • There may be times when our suffering may cause us to doubt God's love. When these doubts arise, we must never forget that we have been crowned with His love and compassion. "Our present sufferings," said Paul, "are not worth comparing with the incredible glory that will be revealed in us." The assurance of His love gives us hope. • Once crowned with His love and compassion we need to remember that we will, as Paul also said, "see the incredible wealth of His grace and kindness." When we are crowned by God Himself, what more can we ask. • Prayer: Father, Your love is beyond our understanding. But we accept it with grateful hearts and rejoice. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 103:4b and crowns you with love and compassion, • •