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tober. On Monday, October 7, all staff and students in grades K-8 are asked to wear something blue to school. We will be "Blue-ing bullying out of our building" that day. All of our classroom guidance lessons for October will be focusing on bullying prevention. Hope to see everyone decked out in blue on October 7. •
Groton MS/HS Newsletter
• Welcome back to another school year at Groton Area. Each year at this time, schools in South Dakota are receiving and reviewing report card data based on our students' performance on a variety of criteria, including performance on the Dakota STEP test. • There is a wealth of information available to the public depicting how our schools have performed which can be found on the South Dakota Department of Education website, doe.sd.gov. Specifically, I would invite you to review our district's report at http://www.doe.sd.gov/reportcard/index.aspx, http://doe.sd.gov/oats/NAEP.aspx, and http://www.doe.sd.gov/reportcard/index.aspx#StateAssessment. • Additionally, printed copies of the report are available for public inspection at each principal office, each school library, the superintendent office, and Groton City Hall. Any questions on items contained within the reports should be directed to the specific building principal or the superintendent. • All measures indicate that our schools continue to perform well and we believe our students are graduating ready for college or career. Specifically, I would like to highlight the accomplishment of Groton Area High School for achieving "Exemplary School" status based on our state accountability model. This indicates that Groton Area High Schools performance index score is in the top 5% of all high schools in South Dakota. This is a notable accomplishment and is indicative of a commitment to learning excellence by our students, teachers, administrators, school board, parents, and community. • If there are issues that arise as the year progresses, please feel free to contact me. • Have a great school year! • Sincerely, • Joe Schwan
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