Groton Area School Newsletter
• Elementary Principal ~ Dan Dalchow • We are finally into the swing of things. After a bit of a rocky start with the heat and humidity that plagued us for the first few weeks of school, we are now chugging right along. This school year brings something new and that is an extension of our school day. As in the high school, the elementary is also focusing on interventional help with these extra minutes that were added to the end of the day. It varies between grades as to what the classroom teachers are focusing on but in grades 3-5 for right now, a lot of them are focusing on building good study and organizational habits. Once this has been established, teachers will be looking to work with students in a variety of areas that they may need help in. • In grades K-2, the classroom teachers, as well as Title I teachers, and a number of para-professionals, are working with students on math interventional help. All K-2 students will spend this time on some type of math activity, which will be over and above their normal math class. The K-2 Students were given an online assessment to determine exactly what type of math activities and interventional help was needed. Based on this data, a team of teachers put together a plan to address the skills that need some extra attention. With this team of educators and para-professionals, we will be able to focus on the needs of some of our more needy students and get them some additional instruction and background knowledge to help them be more successful in the classroom while the students who are at grade level will be involved in supplemental math activities. • This past week, we gave away some great prizes to students as a part of an incentive program to do well on our standardized testing that takes place every spring. These tests are only valid if our students do their very best, as it is a measure of what they know. Our students know a lot! We have typically performed very well on these tests and it was the same this past year. This is a testament to the hard work of our students, teachers and staff, as well as the great support from our parents, and community that they give to our schools. Thank you! • If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me during school hours. • • Mr. Dan Dalchow ~ Principal • Groton Area Elementary School • Elementary Phone: #397-2317 • E-mail: dan.dalchow@k12.sd.us • •